Ongoing Commitment to Community Support & Development


Since inception of the firm, CastleOak has donated over $4 million in charitable contributions and sponsorships.
CastleOak, since inception, has regularly donated a portion of its profits in support of charitable and professional organizations.

We are proud of our partnerships with organizations whose missions align with our values and desire to be a positive catalyst for change within the communities we serve. To accomplish this, our giving back initiatives focus on our three main philanthropic pillars: education, professional development, and community.

In 2024, we remained committed to giving back and were proud to increase our largest donation to a single charitable organization by 26% over the 2023 amount. Some of our giving back initiatives include:

Management Leadership
for Tomorrow

We earmarked a portion of profits from our Money Fund share class product to donate to Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) and are working through various touchpoints where members of our management team (and beyond) will donate their time to speak to the students they serve.

PGA Works Collegiate

We have sponsored the PGA Works Collegiate Championship (PWCC) for several years. The event includes Beyond the Green, a career expo designed to educate and advance opportunities for talent from all backgrounds to pursue careers in the business of golf and beyond.

CastleOak plays a broader role in the communities in which we and our clients live and work beyond what we deliver through our core business activities. We do this through educational and professional development, community investment programs and the direct efforts of our employees. By aligning our educational and community investment strategies to our skills and experience as a company, the positive impact of our activity is much more than just a financial contribution.
I hope to repay you through giving my all to my studies. I aim to learn about myself and, in turn, become a more complete person by the time I graduate so that I, too, can leave a positive impact on the community.”
Without your scholarship, I would not have been able to do what I am doing or have the opportunities that I have.”
Your generosity means so much not only to myself, but also to my family.  I want to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to me.”
My time at PENN has definitely been my most transformative years and I wouldn’t have been able to experience them if not for you all.”
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